Gaining a competitive edge in the fashion and apparel industry requires private label program development and management. Our experts can help you create and manage a successful private-label clothing line and fashion consumer goods. LEARN MORE
Our commitment to your merchandising efforts goes deeper than assortment planning, product selection, and visual merchandising. We analyze relevant data and insights that will help you make informed buying and merchandising decisions. LEARN MORE
We help companies in various industries that produce fashion consumer goods to overcome supply chain issues, find opportunities to improve margins, guide them through supply chain optimization, and fully align their supply chain capabilities with their strategic goals. LEARN MORE
Creative design brand building begins with a brand strategy to identify and connect your unique value to the consumer. Our creative design team is passionate about creating an impactful and memorable House Brand that resonates with your consumer on a personal level delivering a foundation for customer acquisition and expanding market opportunities. LEARN MORE
We help companies to develop their creative designs into complete products. By working with our team of experienced professionals, companies can bring their vision to life and produce a final product that meets all their customer’s expectations. LEARN MORE
The YAY Method was founded on lean six sigma principles and aims for process improvement using a practical phase-in approach. We help fashion businesses quickly and effectively improve their operations and processes using a proven process, ensuring that change is led by frontline management and embedded in the daily steering routine LEARN MORE
Go from concept to delivering to customers and making sales with the YAY Method that is proven to drive results. What makes YAY’s method unique is that we address and look at the end–to–end process and focus on the 3Ds – (Design, Develop and Deliver) the RIGHT Concept, with the RIGHT Strategy & Plan, at the RIGHT cost and the RIGHT time. LEARN MORE
Book a Call Today with Yushkova Designs to learn more about scaling a Fashion Brand.